[Assignment must be completed between Wed, Jan 15 - Wed, Jan 29]


Complete RStudio Cloud Primer “Programming Basics”:

Direct link to Programming Basics primer: https://rstudio.cloud/learn/primers/1.2

The module on Visualization Basics at https://rstudio.cloud/learn/primers/1.1 is recommended.

Link to all primers FYI: https://rstudio.cloud/learn/primers or simply click on “Primers” button in the left pane of RStudio Cloud.


R Programming E swirl-based training:

To start the training, run the following commands in RStudio/R Studio Cloud (make sure you are connected to the internet):

install.packages('swirl')   # install swirl package if it's not yet installed
library(swirl)              # load library swirl
install_course_github("swirldev", "R_Programming_E")  # install R_Programming_E course 
swirl()                     # run swirl and choose the training in the menu

Complete the following sections of the course:

  1. Basic Building Blocks
  2. Workspace and Files
  3. Sequences of Numbers
  4. Vectors
  5. Missing Values
  6. Subsetting Vectors
  7. Matrices and Data Frames
  8. Logic
  9. Looking at Data
  10. Base Graphics