Download the datasets for this class:

You can download this whole script as week03.Rmd file to save on your computer and open in RStudio instead of copying & pasting from this webpage:

For those who prefer to work with RCloud, a project with the same materials, including Computer Assignment 2, can be accessed using the following link:

#install.packages("dplyr")   # install packages if they are not installed yet 
#install.packages("ggplot2") # (uncomment the command before executing it by removing '#' in front of it)

library(dplyr)         # for manipulating data
library(ggplot2)       # for making graphs
library(knitr)         # for nicer table formatting
library(summarytools)  # for frequency distribution tables

3.1 Frequency Distribution Tables

(See Lecture Notes for Week 3 on iCollege to read about interpreting frequency tables)

Example 1: Two sets of rated charities

Assume you are studying charitable performance and have two samples of charities - one sample of 10 charities “Datasets/s10.RData” and one sample of 100 charities. Each sample contains data on charity ratings. Let’s read the datasets into R and generate frequency tables for each ssample:

load("Datasets/s10.RData")   # load charity ratings data: the sample of 10

## s10 
##       Frequency Percent
## 1             1      10
## 2             1      10
## 4             4      40
## 5             4      40
## Total        10     100
load("Datasets/s100.RData")   # load charity ratings data: the sample of 100

## s100 
##       Frequency Percent
## 1             5       5
## 2            13      13
## 3            16      16
## 4            33      33
## 5            33      33
## Total       100     100

EXAMPLE 2: General Social Survey (GSS)

Assume you are studying Americans’ attitudes toward premarital sex. In 1998, the General Social Survey (GSS) asked a random sample of Americans, the following question:

There’s been a lot of discussion about the way morals and attitudes about sex are changing in this country. If a man and woman have sex relations before marriage, do you think it is always wrong, almost always wrong, wrong only sometimes, or not wrong at all?

We have a sample with 1000 responses to some of the survey questions, including the question about respondents’ attitudes toward sex before marriage.

Let’s load the dataset gss98_4041.csv from the Dataset folder:

load(file = "Datasets/gss98.RData")

The dataset contains data on the following 49 variables:

##  [1] "X.1"      "X"        "SEX"      "RACE"     "RELIG"    "FUND"    
## [13] "ABANY"    "CAPPUN"   "GUNLAW"   "GRASS"    "PRAYER"   "NATCITY" 
## [43] "AGESUM"   "INCOME"   "EDUC2"    "REGION2"  "CITY"     "RURAL"   
## [49] "PROT"     "NEWFUND"

To learn more about each variable see the codebook for the survey here.

Let’s take a look at several selected Variables (first ten cases) from the General Social Survey (GSS) 1998:

gss98[1:10, c("SEX", "RACE", "RELIG", "AGESUM", "EDUC2", "FUND", "MARITAL", "INCOME", "PARTY", "PREMARSX")] %>% kable()
male White Protestant 30 to 44 high school graduate liberal Married $60,000 or more Independent Always wrong
male White Catholic 18 to 29 high school graduate moderate Never married $35,000 to $59,000 Republican Not wrong at all
female White Protestant 30 to 44 some college fundamentalist Divorced $20,000 to $34,999 Democrat NA
female Other Catholic 30 to 44 less than h.s. diploma moderate Widowed NA Independent NA
male White Protestant 30 to 44 college graduate fundamentalist Married $60,000 or more Republican NA
male White Protestant 60 or older college graduate fundamentalist Married NA Independent Always wrong
female White Protestant 30 to 44 some college moderate Never married NA Independent NA
female White Protestant 60 or older some college liberal Divorced $20,000 to $34,999 Republican NA
male White Protestant 45 to 59 college graduate liberal Divorced NA Republican NA
male White Protestant 60 or older high school graduate fundamentalist Married NA Independent Not wrong at all


According to the survey’s codebook, the variable of interest describing individual attitudes toward premarital sex is labelled PREMARSX.

Let’s generate the Frequency Distribution Table for PREMARSX using the function summarytools::freq('_Variable Name_'):

library(summarytools)   # Make sure you've loaded the library 'summarytools'
gss98$PREMARSX <- factor(gss98$PREMARSX, levels = c("Always wrong", "Almst alwys wrng", "Wrong sometimes", "Not wrong at all"))
freq(gss98$PREMARSX)    # Generate frequency distribution using command 'freq()' from the library 'summarytools'

## gss98$PREMARSX 
##                  Frequency Percent Valid Percent
## Always wrong           156    15.6        24.528
## Almst alwys wrng        56     5.6         8.805
## Wrong sometimes        144    14.4        22.642
## Not wrong at all       280    28.0        44.025
## NA's                   364    36.4              
## Total                 1000   100.0       100.000

Let’s generate frequency tables for two more variables:

[ VAR: HOMOSEX ] What about sexual relations between two adults of the same sex–do you think it is always wrong, almost always wrong, wrong only sometimes, or not wrong at all?


## gss98$HOMOSEX 
##                  Frequency Percent Valid Percent
## Always wrong           356    35.6        57.699
## Almst alwys wrng        31     3.1         5.024
## Wrong sometimes         44     4.4         7.131
## Not wrong at all       186    18.6        30.146
## NA's                   383    38.3              
## Total                 1000   100.0       100.000

[ VAR: TEENSEX ] What if they are in their early teens, say 14 to 16 years old? In that case, do you think sex relations before marriage are always wrong, almost always wrong, wrong only sometimes, or not wrong at all?


## gss98$TEENSEX 
##                  Frequency Percent Valid Percent
## Always wrong           465    46.5        71.429
## Almst alwys wrng       107    10.7        16.436
## Wrong sometimes         51     5.1         7.834
## Not wrong at all        28     2.8         4.301
## NA's                   349    34.9              
## Total                 1000   100.0       100.000

EXAMPLE 3: Student Test Scores

Let’s read the dataset with student test scores into R and print the scores on the screen:

test_scores <- read.csv("Datasets/TestScores.csv")
data.frame("Class 1" = test_scores[test_scores$Class=="Class1" , "Score"], 
           "Class 2" = test_scores[test_scores$Class=="Class2" , "Score"], 
           "Class 3" = test_scores[test_scores$Class=="Class3" , "Score"] ) %>% kable(align = c("l","l","l"))
Class.1 Class.2 Class.3
79 75 100
75 78 80
82 82 93
91 88 85
88 92 90
78 56 70
79 85 72
75 90 77
78 78 79
0 81 81
74 79 80
77 64 82
81 67 77
90 41 78
74 40 92
71 61 98
85 68 83
65 79 83
73 89 92
81 64 79
77 97 80
74 95 71
85 73 94
15 91 92
82 56 79
79 64 83
18 74 81
32 67 98
95 67 73
77 54 91
83 97 74
74 87 84
76 80 91
60 89 88
61 81 89

Let’s generate a contingency table:

testscores <- read.csv("Datasets/TestScores.csv")  
summarytools::freq(testscores$Score)                 #Oops, NOT VERY USEFUL !!!
## Frequencies  
##               Freq   % Valid   % Valid Cum.   % Total   % Total Cum.
## ----------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
##           0      1      0.95           0.95      0.95           0.95
##          15      1      0.95           1.90      0.95           1.90
##          18      1      0.95           2.86      0.95           2.86
##          32      1      0.95           3.81      0.95           3.81
##          40      1      0.95           4.76      0.95           4.76
##          41      1      0.95           5.71      0.95           5.71
##          54      1      0.95           6.67      0.95           6.67
##          56      2      1.90           8.57      1.90           8.57
##          60      1      0.95           9.52      0.95           9.52
##          61      2      1.90          11.43      1.90          11.43
##          64      3      2.86          14.29      2.86          14.29
##          65      1      0.95          15.24      0.95          15.24
##          67      3      2.86          18.10      2.86          18.10
##          68      1      0.95          19.05      0.95          19.05
##          70      1      0.95          20.00      0.95          20.00
##          71      2      1.90          21.90      1.90          21.90
##          72      1      0.95          22.86      0.95          22.86
##          73      3      2.86          25.71      2.86          25.71
##          74      6      5.71          31.43      5.71          31.43
##          75      3      2.86          34.29      2.86          34.29
##          76      1      0.95          35.24      0.95          35.24
##          77      5      4.76          40.00      4.76          40.00
##          78      5      4.76          44.76      4.76          44.76
##          79      8      7.62          52.38      7.62          52.38
##          80      4      3.81          56.19      3.81          56.19
##          81      6      5.71          61.90      5.71          61.90
##          82      4      3.81          65.71      3.81          65.71
##          83      4      3.81          69.52      3.81          69.52
##          84      1      0.95          70.48      0.95          70.48
##          85      4      3.81          74.29      3.81          74.29
##          87      1      0.95          75.24      0.95          75.24
##          88      3      2.86          78.10      2.86          78.10
##          89      3      2.86          80.95      2.86          80.95
##          90      3      2.86          83.81      2.86          83.81
##          91      4      3.81          87.62      3.81          87.62
##          92      4      3.81          91.43      3.81          91.43
##          93      1      0.95          92.38      0.95          92.38
##          94      1      0.95          93.33      0.95          93.33
##          95      2      1.90          95.24      1.90          95.24
##          97      2      1.90          97.14      1.90          97.14
##          98      2      1.90          99.05      1.90          99.05
##         100      1      0.95         100.00      0.95         100.00
##        <NA>      0                               0.00         100.00
##       Total    105    100.00         100.00    100.00         100.00

Too long and not very informative (because there are too many values that the variable take), isn’t it?

Instead of displaying and calculating the frequency for each value the numeric (interval level) variable takes, we can cut the range of values into intervals using the command cut():

score_intervals <- cut(x = testscores$Score, breaks = c(0,60,70,80,90,100), include.lowest = TRUE)

Now we can generate a frequency distribution for the intervals:

## Frequencies  
##                  Freq   % Valid   % Valid Cum.   % Total   % Total Cum.
## -------------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
##         [0,60]     10      9.52           9.52      9.52           9.52
##        (60,70]     11     10.48          20.00     10.48          20.00
##        (70,80]     38     36.19          56.19     36.19          56.19
##        (80,90]     29     27.62          83.81     27.62          83.81
##       (90,100]     17     16.19         100.00     16.19         100.00
##           <NA>      0                               0.00         100.00
##          Total    105    100.00         100.00    100.00         100.00

3.2 Graphing Frequency Distributions

test_scores <- read.csv("Datasets/TestScores.csv")  

test_scores %>% filter(Class == "Class1") %>%
ggplot(aes(x=Score)) + 
    geom_dotplot(fill="darkred", color="darkred", alpha = 0.3) + 
    xlim(0,100) + 
          axis.ticks.y=element_blank()) +
    labs(title = "Test Scores (Class 1) - Stacked Dot Plot")
## `stat_bindot()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

test_scores %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=Score)) + 
    geom_dotplot(fill="darkred", color="darkred", alpha = 0.3) + 
    xlim(0,100) + 
          axis.ticks.y=element_blank()) +
    labs(title = "Test Scores (Classes 1-3) - Stacked Dot Plot")
## `stat_bindot()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

This is not practical when the number of observations in the dataset is large!

Instead, use a histogram:

ggplot(data = test_scores) + geom_histogram(aes(x = Score), bins = 30, fill = "darkred") + 
                              labs(title = "Test Scores (All) - Histogram")

ggplot(data = test_scores) + geom_histogram(aes(x = Score, fill = Class)) + 
                             labs(title = "Test Scores (All) - Histogram")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

ggplot(data = test_scores) + geom_histogram(aes(x = Score, fill = Class)) + facet_grid(Class ~ .) + 
                             labs(title = "Test Scores (Classes 1-3) - Histogram")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

For categorical (nominal or ordinal) variables, use bar charts:

gss98 %>% ggplot() + geom_bar( aes(x = PREMARSX), fill = "darkred" )

Same, but but without missing values:

gss98 %>% filter(! %>% ggplot() + geom_bar( aes(x = PREMARSX), fill = "darkred" )

#gss98 %>% tidyr::drop_na(PREMARSX) %>% ggplot() + geom_bar( aes(x = PREMARSX), fill = "darkred" )

Bar plot with relative frequencies and value labels:

gss98 %>%  group_by(PREMARSX) %>% summarise(Percent = 100*n()/nrow(gss98)) %>%  # Calculate % for PREMARSX
    ggplot( mapping = aes(x = PREMARSX, y = Percent, label = Percent)) +        # Map aesthetics 
    geom_bar( stat="identity", fill = "darkred" ) +                             # added stat="identity"
    geom_text(vjust = -0.2)                                                     # adjust height of the labels
## Warning: Factor `PREMARSX` contains implicit NA, consider using
## `forcats::fct_explicit_na`

Selected Variables from a random sample of 500 observations from the 2000 U.S. Census Data:

  • census_year - Census Year.
  • state_fips_code - Name of state.
  • total_family_income - Total family income (in U.S. dollars).
  • age - Age.
  • sex - Sex with levels Female and Male.
  • race_general - Race with levels American Indian or Alaska Native, Black, Chinese, Japanese, Other Asian or Pacific Islander, Two major races, White and * Other.
  • marital_status - Marital status with levels Divorced, Married/spouse absent, Married/spouse present, Never married/single, Separated and Widowed.
  • total_personal_income - Total personal income (in U.S. dollars).
census <- read.csv("C:/Users/admin/Dropbox/PhD/00_Coursework/13sem_4041_Spring2020/R/Datasets/census.csv")

Frequency distributions for census$marital_status:

freq(census$marital_status) %>% kable(digits = 2)

Frequency Percent
Divorced 38 7.6
Married/spouse absent 14 2.8
Married/spouse present 192 38.4
Never married/single 222 44.4
Separated 3 0.6
Widowed 31 6.2
Total 500 100.0
ggplot(data = census) + geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = marital_status)) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))

Frequency distributions for census$total_family_income:

income_intervals <- cut(x = census$total_family_income/1000, breaks = c(0,25,50,75,100,999), include.lowest = TRUE)
## Frequencies  
##                   Freq   % Valid   % Valid Cum.   % Total   % Total Cum.
## --------------- ------ --------- -------------- --------- --------------
##          [0,25]    148     30.52          30.52     29.60          29.60
##         (25,50]    138     28.45          58.97     27.60          57.20
##         (50,75]     90     18.56          77.53     18.00          75.20
##        (75,100]     48      9.90          87.42      9.60          84.80
##       (100,999]     61     12.58         100.00     12.20          97.00
##            <NA>     15                               3.00         100.00
##           Total    500    100.00         100.00    100.00         100.00
ggplot(data = census) + geom_histogram(mapping = aes(x = total_family_income/1000)) + xlab("Total Family Income (Thousands $)")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 15 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin).

Download the datasets for this class: