Datasets for this assignment:
A random sample of 1,000 federal personnel records for March 1994:
General Social Survey 1998:
For those who prefer to work with RCloud, a project with the same materials can be accessed using the following link:
Load OPM94.RData
# your work
Examples for this section are provided on the following page:
# your work
# your work
Variability of the sample mean salary is the same as: Standard deviation of the sample mean / Standard deviation of the of the sampling distribution for the sample mean / Standard error. All of these are interchangeable terms.
# your work
# your work
# your work
# lower bound
# upper bound
... Your written answer ...
# your work
... your written answer ...
# your work
# your work
... your written answer ...
# your work
... Your written answer ...
on yos
+ edyrs
+ male
+ patco
+ vet
+ age
. Print out regression summary and confidence intervals.# your work
...Your written answer ...
dataset and library descr
# your work
Variable NATEDUC
measures American’s attitudes towards public spending on education using the following survey question: Are we spending too much, too little, or about the right amount on improving the nation’s education system?
as the response variable and IDEOLOGY
as the explanatory variable (use one of the two methods presented in the course materials):# your work
in the sample?... Your written answer ...
... Your written answer ...
Knit and publish your work on RPubs.
Yuriy Davydenko 2020