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#install.packages("descr")     # install if necessary
##  [1] "X.1"      "X"        "SEX"      "RACE"     "RELIG"    "FUND"    
## [13] "ABANY"    "CAPPUN"   "GUNLAW"   "GRASS"    "PRAYER"   "NATCITY" 
## [43] "AGESUM"   "INCOME"   "EDUC2"    "REGION2"  "CITY"     "RURAL"   
## [49] "PROT"     "NEWFUND"


A CROSSTAB with ABANY (ABORTION IF WOMAN WANTS FOR ANY REASON) as the dependent variable and SEX as the independent variable (absolute frequencies only):

CrossTable(gss98$ABANY, gss98$SEX, prop.r = F, prop.c = F, prop.t = F, prop.chisq = F, format = "SPSS")
##    Cell Contents 
## |-------------------------|
## |                   Count | 
## |-------------------------|
## ====================================
##                gss98$SEX
## gss98$ABANY    female   male   Total
## ------------------------------------
## No                234    145     379
## ------------------------------------
## Yes               148     97     245
## ------------------------------------
## Total             382    242     624
## ====================================

A CROSSTAB with GRASS (SHOULD MARIJUANA BE MADE LEGAL) as the dependent variable and IDEOLOGY as the independent variable (absolute frequencies and all three percentages are included):

CrossTable(gss98$GRASS, gss98$IDEOLOGY, prop.r = T, prop.c = T, prop.t = T, prop.chisq = F, format = "SPSS")
##    Cell Contents 
## |-------------------------|
## |                   Count | 
## |             Row Percent | 
## |          Column Percent | 
## |           Total Percent | 
## |-------------------------|
## ========================================================
##                gss98$IDEOLOGY
## gss98$GRASS    liberal   moderate   conservative   Total
## --------------------------------------------------------
## Should             67         54             46     167 
##                  40.1%      32.3%          27.5%   27.6%
##                  42.9%      23.8%          20.6%        
##                  11.1%       8.9%           7.6%        
## --------------------------------------------------------
## Should not         89        173            177     439 
##                  20.3%      39.4%          40.3%   72.4%
##                  57.1%      76.2%          79.4%        
##                  14.7%      28.5%          29.2%        
## --------------------------------------------------------
## Total             156        227            223     606 
##                  25.7%      37.5%          36.8%        
## ========================================================

A CROSSTAB with CAPPUN (FAVOR OR OPPOSE DEATH PENALTY FOR MURDER) as the dependent variable and RELIG as the independent variable (absolute frequencies and all three percentages are included):

CrossTable(gss98$CAPPUN, gss98$RELIG, prop.r = T, prop.c = T, prop.t = T, prop.chisq = F, format = "SPSS")
##    Cell Contents 
## |-------------------------|
## |                   Count | 
## |             Row Percent | 
## |          Column Percent | 
## |           Total Percent | 
## |-------------------------|
## ======================================================================
##                 gss98$RELIG
## gss98$CAPPUN    Catholic   Jewish    None   Other   Protestant   Total
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Favor               170       13      88      21          355     647 
##                    26.3%     2.0%   13.6%    3.2%        54.9%   71.3%
##                    73.9%    76.5%   67.2%   58.3%        72.0%        
##                    18.7%     1.4%    9.7%    2.3%        39.1%        
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Oppose               60        4      43      15          138     260 
##                    23.1%     1.5%   16.5%    5.8%        53.1%   28.7%
##                    26.1%    23.5%   32.8%   41.7%        28.0%        
##                     6.6%     0.4%    4.7%    1.7%        15.2%        
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Total               230       17     131      36          493     907 
##                    25.4%     1.9%   14.4%    4.0%        54.4%        
## ======================================================================

A CROSSTAB with CONEDUC (CONFIDENCE IN EDUCATION) as the dependent variable and RACE as the independent variable (absolute frequencies and all three percentages are included):

CrossTable(gss98$CONEDUC, gss98$RACE, prop.r = T, prop.c = T, prop.t = T, prop.chisq = F, format = "SPSS")
##    Cell Contents 
## |-------------------------|
## |                   Count | 
## |             Row Percent | 
## |          Column Percent | 
## |           Total Percent | 
## |-------------------------|
## =================================================
##                     gss98$RACE
## gss98$CONEDUC       Black   Other   White   Total
## -------------------------------------------------
## great confidence      41      16     136     193 
##                     21.2%    8.3%   70.5%   28.6%
##                     41.8%   39.0%   25.4%        
##                      6.1%    2.4%   20.1%        
## -------------------------------------------------
## some confidence       49      22     310     381 
##                     12.9%    5.8%   81.4%   56.4%
##                     50.0%   53.7%   57.8%        
##                      7.3%    3.3%   45.9%        
## -------------------------------------------------
## Hardly confidnce       8       3      90     101 
##                      7.9%    3.0%   89.1%   15.0%
##                      8.2%    7.3%   16.8%        
##                      1.2%    0.4%   13.3%        
## -------------------------------------------------
## Total                 98      41     536     675 
##                     14.5%    6.1%   79.4%        
## =================================================

A CROSSTAB with NATEDUC (“Are we spending too much, too little, or about the right amount on IMPROVING NATIONS EDUCATION SYSTEM”) as the dependent variable and RACE as the independent variable (absolute frequencies and all three percentages are included):

CrossTable(gss98$NATEDUC, gss98$RACE, prop.r = T, prop.c = T, prop.t = T, prop.chisq = F, format = "SPSS")
##    Cell Contents 
## |-------------------------|
## |                   Count | 
## |             Row Percent | 
## |          Column Percent | 
## |           Total Percent | 
## |-------------------------|
## ==============================================
##                  gss98$RACE
## gss98$NATEDUC    Black   Other   White   Total
## ----------------------------------------------
## Too little         55      21     270     346 
##                  15.9%    6.1%   78.0%   71.3%
##                  73.3%   70.0%   71.1%        
##                  11.3%    4.3%   55.7%        
## ----------------------------------------------
## About right        19       8      87     114 
##                  16.7%    7.0%   76.3%   23.5%
##                  25.3%   26.7%   22.9%        
##                   3.9%    1.6%   17.9%        
## ----------------------------------------------
## Too much            1       1      23      25 
##                   4.0%    4.0%   92.0%    5.2%
##                   1.3%    3.3%    6.1%        
##                   0.2%    0.2%    4.7%        
## ----------------------------------------------
## Total              75      30     380     485 
##                  15.5%    6.2%   78.4%        
## ==============================================