Math 1070, minimum C grade.
This course focuses on quantitative research methods applicable to the study of public policy. Students will be introduced to the use of descriptive statistics as well as to the development and testing of empirical hypotheses using basic inferential statistical methods.
This is a rigorous course, requiring 4-6 hours of work per week outside of class, on average. You are expected to read the lecture notes and any other materials provided by the instructor each week before coming to class. Remember, the key to learning is persistence.
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
iCollege iCollege will be used for communication and to disseminate course content, lecture notes, PowerPoint slides, datasets, and more. Students are expected to use this resource on a regular basis for course materials and announcements.
Course Website For your convenience, materials relevant to this course, including examples of analyses and reports, will be available at the course website
Required Textbooks
OpenIntro Statistics, 4th Edition , available at
Roger D. Peng (2016), Exploratory Data Analysis with R, available at
Recommended Textbooks Advanced High School Statistics, Second Edition, available at
For those of you who require more detailed treatment of the statistics topics, the following textbooks are recommended as additional resources (earlier editions are also fine):
Meier, Kenneth, Jeffrey Brudney, and John Bohte. Applied statistics for public and nonprofit administration. Cengage Learning, 2011.
Healey, Joseph F. (2013). The Essentials of Statistics: A Tool for Social Research. 3rd Edition. Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Weiers, R. M. “Introduction to Business Statistics. 2005.” Thomson Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA, USA.
R Software: You are required to use R software for all homework assignments. R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics available at . In this course, we will use RStudio - an open-source integrated development environment for R available at and RStudio Cloud at .
R Books & Resources:
R for Data Science by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham, at
An Introduction to R by Longhow Lam (PDF, 2010-10-28, 212 pages), at
Cookbook for R at
R Programming Tutorial on YouTube - Learn the Basics of Statistical Computing
Computers: For the purposes of this course, having a personal laptop with all the required software (R and RStudio) is recommended but not required. All the course assignments can be completed in RStudio Cloud using the library computers.
INTERACTIVE VIDEO TECHNOLOGY TRAINING LinkedIn Learning (formerly offers an online training library on a variety of topics, including software tools for data analysis. Service is free to Georgia State University’s students. You can access online video tutorials with your CampusID and password using the following link:
For the purposes of this course, the following training can be very helpful: Learning R by Barton Poulson (2h 51m Beginner + Intermediate Released: Aug. 29, 2019)
R Statistics Essential Training by Barton Poulson (5h 59m, Beginner + Intermediate, Released: Sep. 26, 2013)
Download the Syllabus here